<> Our operations | The Forest Company
Our operations

The Forest Company operates on a land base containing 73,000 hectares, of which 34,000 hectares are planted and 13,500 hectares are available to be planted. The remaining area has been set aside from production to be maintained as natural reserves made up of high-biodiversity areas such as wetlands and native forests. We have an area of 21,200 hectares planted with eucalyptus and 12,800 hectares with pine. Our eucalyptus forests mature by the age of 6 years and pine by 15. Our operations are carried out in three clusters comprising timber and timber-related assets. Two clusters are located in Brazil and one in Colombia.

Where we operate

Map of our operations

Pipeline and outlook

The macro situation is improving in both Colombia and Brazil as are the strong underlying drivers for forest investment in these markets, such as biological growth and profitable growth of the forestry industry.

We have identified several interesting investment opportunities in our markets that we can invest in and add to our current portfolio of cash generating operations.

The team work to leverage on this situation, combined with focus on cash generation in order to continue to deliver real long-term returns, via cash distributions and growth in net asset value.

Minas Cluster

Located in Minas Gerais, Brazil. AB Florestal owns and manages eucalyptus plantations. The wood that is harvested is supplied to the local charcoal, wood treatment and pulp industry.


Location Minas Gerais, Brazil
Year of investment 2008 and 2011
Ownership 100%
Species Eucalyptus
End-use Charcoal / biocarbon for pig iron production
FSC certification Certified since 2016

Paraná Cluster

Located in Paraná, Brazil. Aimara has invested in a joint venture with the largest paper producer in Brazil – Klabin, which has a long track record in sustainable forest management. The eucalyptus plantations of this joint venture are managed according to the same principles and high standards as Klabin’s own plantations, and supply wood to Klabin’s pulp industry.


Location Paraná, Brazil
Year of investment 2008
Ownership 80%
Species Eucalyptus
End-use Pulpwood/sawlogs
FSC certification Certified since 2016

Minas cluster

Located in Minas Gerais. BioCarbono produces biocarbon from eucalyptus plantations which is distributed to several leading steel, pig iron and steel alloy companies in the state of Minas Gerais.


Location Minas Gerais, Brazil
Year of investment 2011
Ownership 100%
End-use Biocarbon for the pig iron and metal alloy industry
Total production 1,421,922 MDC
Chain of custody certification Certified since 2016

Paraná cluster

Located in Curitiba, Paraná. Kaa owns and manages pine plantations. The region is a traditional pine-growing area, with a significant cluster of saw and veneer mills. Kaa is supplying this cluster with saw, veneer and pulp logs.


Location Paraná, Brazil
Year of investment 2011
Ownership 100%
Species Pine
End-use Pulpwood/sawlogs
FSC certification Certified since 2016


Located in the sectors of Antioquia and Caldas in Colombia. MS Timberland owns and manages pine plantations, supplying the local sawmill and wood-based panel industries. The company is a joint venture with GemCorp, a leading panel producer in Ecuador.


Location Antioquia region, Colombia
Year of investment 2010
Ownership 90%
Species Pine
End-use Wood-based panels/sawlogs
FSC certification Certified since 2016


Located in Medellin, Colombia. Silvotecnia is a forest service and consulting company responsible for developing projects for several forest companies in Colombia.


Location Antioquia region, Colombia
Year of investment 2012
Ownership 84.4%
Core Business Forest services
Number of employees 500